Sunday 12 February 2012

Attended the Irish Pen Literary Award dinner on Friday 10th.  Joseph O'Connor was the recipient - truly deserved.  He gave a very touching speech - not a dry eye in the house.  President Michael D. presented the award.  Fabulous night, shared with friends and writing colleagues.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Hey, are there any of you guys out there who read Mills and Boon?  Actually, are there any of you out there who write M&B?  I'm trying hard to get published.   Love romance, love writing about it...would much rather be a published lover of romance!

Late starter...

Finally caught up with technology and started a blog!  It's mostly thanks to a step by step guide given to Eblana Writers at our February meeting.  Thanks Jessica!  And Hester the Originator!  Now all I need to do is find my way around the blogasphere and boldly go where no blog has gone before...engines to warp factor.  I'm not even a to ya.