Wednesday 10 April 2013

Where to begin...

At our April meeting we concentrated on beginnings and how to hook the reader.  We had lively discussion with examples and exercises with a fun quiz thrown in.  The group found the format helpful and it gave everyone food for thought about how to find the right start.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Attended the Irish Pen Literary Award dinner on Friday 10th.  Joseph O'Connor was the recipient - truly deserved.  He gave a very touching speech - not a dry eye in the house.  President Michael D. presented the award.  Fabulous night, shared with friends and writing colleagues.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Hey, are there any of you guys out there who read Mills and Boon?  Actually, are there any of you out there who write M&B?  I'm trying hard to get published.   Love romance, love writing about it...would much rather be a published lover of romance!

Late starter...

Finally caught up with technology and started a blog!  It's mostly thanks to a step by step guide given to Eblana Writers at our February meeting.  Thanks Jessica!  And Hester the Originator!  Now all I need to do is find my way around the blogasphere and boldly go where no blog has gone before...engines to warp factor.  I'm not even a to ya.